6 DIY Homemade Weed Killers that Actually Works - No Plant No Life

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

6 DIY Homemade Weed Killers that Actually Works

Relentless weeds can be a major issue for gardeners and homeowners who prioritize maintaining lush landscapes. 

To tackle this problem, this blog post presents six powerful homemade weed killers that are natural, DIY, environmentally friendly, and effective. 

These weed-killer recipes use common household ingredients like vinegar, dish soap, salt, and boiling water, offering cost-effective and sustainable alternatives to harmful chemicals. 

By using these natural weed control methods, you can reclaim your garden oasis without compromising your commitment to sustainability. 

The post aims to help readers transform their gardens into vibrant sanctuaries while keeping harmful chemicals at bay. 

So, get ready to explore the world of natural weed control with these six impressive DIY homemade weed killers.

Advantages of Using DIY Homemade Weed Killers 

When it comes to maintaining a healthy garden or yard in the United States, the battle against weeds can be a never-ending struggle. 

Fortunately, turning to DIY homemade weed killers offers a range of advantages that cater to both the environment and your pocketbook. Let's explore why opting for these natural solutions is a smart choice for gardeners around the globe.

1. Environmentally Friendly

DIY homemade weed killers are typically made from readily available household ingredients, reducing the need for harsh chemicals that can harm both the ecosystem and local water sources. 

By utilizing natural alternatives, you can promote a healthier environment for wildlife, beneficial insects, and your family.

2. Cost-Effective

Store-bought weed killers can quickly add up, especially when faced with extensive weed infestations. DIY solutions, on the other hand, often utilize inexpensive ingredients that are already present in most households. This budget-friendly approach allows you to save money while effectively combating weeds.

3. Customizable Recipes

DIY homemade weed killer recipes provide flexibility, allowing you to experiment and customize solutions based on your specific needs. 

Whether you're dealing with broadleaf weeds, grassy invaders, or a combination of both, you can tailor your homemade weed killer to target the exact problem areas in your garden.

4. Safer for Children and Pets

Chemical weed killers can pose risks to children and pets who may come into contact with treated areas. 

By opting for homemade alternatives, you can create a safer environment for your loved ones, reducing their exposure to harmful substances commonly found in conventional weed killers.

5. Sustainable Gardening

With the growing interest in sustainable practices across the United States, homemade weed killers align perfectly with the ethos of environmentally conscious gardening. 

By utilizing natural ingredients, you contribute to the preservation of local ecosystems, fostering a greener and more sustainable approach to gardening.

6. Local Availability

Most DIY homemade weed killer ingredients are readily available at local grocery stores or online retailers throughout the United States. 

This accessibility ensures that you can quickly gather the necessary items to start tackling weeds without having to rely on specialized or hard-to-find products.

7. Empowering DIY Experience

Creating your own weed killers empowers you as a gardener, allowing you to take control of your landscape and rely less on commercial products. 

This hands-on approach fosters a deeper connection with your garden, while also giving you the satisfaction of knowing exactly what goes into the solutions you use.

By embracing DIY homemade weed killers, you can actively contribute to a greener, more sustainable environment while achieving effective weed control. 

Say goodbye to pesky weeds and hello to a thriving garden, all while promoting a healthier and more vibrant outdoor space for yourself, your community, and the beautiful landscapes that define your country.

Six Effective Homemade Weed Killer Recipes for Weed Control

Here are six of the most effective homemade weed-killer recipes for weed control.

1.  Vinegar and Dish Soap Weed Killer

When it comes to tackling weeds in gardens and yards, one popular DIY homemade weed killer recipe that stands out is vinegar and dish soap. 

This simple yet effective solution harnesses the power of everyday household ingredients to combat unwanted vegetation. Let's explore why this recipe has gained popularity and how you can use it to take back control of your landscape.

Ingredients and Weed-Killing Properties


Vinegar, especially distilled white vinegar with high acidity, is a key ingredient in this weed-killer recipe. 

Its acetic acid content acts as a desiccant, drying out the plant's leaves and eventually killing it. This makes vinegar an ideal natural herbicide.

Dish Soap

Dish soap, preferably biodegradable, is added to the mix to enhance the effectiveness of the weed killer. 

It helps the vinegar solution stick to the leaves and penetrates the plant's waxy surface, ensuring better coverage and absorption.

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Mix and Apply the Solution

1. Gather the ingredients 

You'll need white vinegar, dish soap, and a spray bottle.

2. Mix the solution

Fill the spray bottle with white vinegar, leaving some room at the top. Add a few drops of dish soap, and gently shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.

3. Choose the right time

 Apply the weed killer on a sunny day when the weeds are actively growing. Avoid rainy or windy days as they may reduce the effectiveness of the solution.

4. Target the weeds 

Directly spray the vinegar and dish soap solution onto the foliage of the weeds, ensuring thorough coverage. Take care to avoid spraying desirable plants, as the solution may damage them too.

5. Repeat as needed

For stubborn or persistent weeds, you may need to repeat the application after a few days to completely eradicate them.

Vinegar and Dish Soap Weed Killer

Application Practices and Precautions


For most common weeds, a solution with a vinegar-to-water ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (vinegar to water) is effective. 

However, for more robust weeds, you can use higher concentrations of vinegar. Experiment with different ratios to find what works best for your specific weed problem.

Post-application care

After applying the vinegar and dish soap solution, it's advisable to remove the dead weeds from your garden to prevent them from reseeding or attracting pests.

Avoid overspray

Take caution to avoid over-spraying onto desirable plants, as the acidity of the vinegar may harm them. Use a shield or carefully apply the solution near the weed's base to minimize contact with the surrounding vegetation.

Safety measures

When handling the vinegar and dish soap solution, wear protective gloves and eyewear to prevent skin and eye irritation. Keep children and pets away from the treated areas until the solution dries.

2. Salt and Boiling Water Weed Killer

Salt and boiling water stand out as a powerful combination for a cost-effective DIY solution for weed control.  

This homemade weed killer recipe harnesses the properties of salt and the heat of boiling water to effectively eliminate unwanted vegetation. 

Let's dive into the details of how this method works and how you can utilize it in your gardening practices.

How Salt and Boiling Water Eliminate Weeds

The combination of salt and boiling water provides a one-two punch against weeds:


Salt acts as a desiccant, drawing out the moisture from the plant's cells and causing dehydration. This effectively inhibits the weed's ability to grow and survive.

Boiling Water

When boiling water is poured onto weeds, it scalds and damages the plant tissues, effectively killing them. The high temperature helps to penetrate the weed's root system, ensuring a thorough elimination.

Procedure for Using Salt and Boiling Water Weed Killer

Follow these steps to effectively utilize this homemade weed-killer method:

1. Gather the materials

You'll need table salt, boiling water, and a kettle or pot for heating the water.

2. Boil the water

Heat the water to a rolling boil. Ensure you have enough boiling water to cover the weed-infested area.

3. Add salt to the boiling water

Gradually add a generous amount of table salt to the boiling water, stirring until it dissolves completely.

4. Locate the weeds

Identify the weeds you want to target and mark them.

5. Pour the solution

Carefully pour the salt-infused boiling water directly onto the weeds, ensuring complete coverage of the foliage and the soil around the plants.

6. Repeat as needed

For persistent or larger weed infestations, you may need to repeat the process multiple times to achieve full eradication.

Salt and Boiling Water Weed Killer

Limitations and Considerations

While salt and boiling water weed killer is an effective DIY method, there are a few limitations and considerations to keep in mind:

Soil Impact

Salt can have a long-lasting impact on the soil's fertility and microbial activity. Therefore, it's important to limit the application to areas with persistent weed problems and avoid using this method in areas where you plan to grow desirable plants.

Precision Application

Take care to target the weed foliage and avoid overspray onto surrounding plants, as the boiling water can cause damage to desirable vegetation as well.

Safety Precautions

Handle boiling water with caution to avoid burns. Consider wearing protective clothing, such as gloves and eye protection, during the application process.

By using salt and boiling water as a DIY homemade weed killer, gardeners can effectively combat weeds using natural methods. 

This cost-effective solution offers a sustainable approach to weed control, minimizing the use of harmful chemicals and promoting a healthier environment for gardens and yards. 

Bid farewell to stubborn weeds and reclaim your outdoor spaces with the power of salt and boiling water.

3. Citrus Oil and Vinegar Weed Killer

When it comes to combating weeds in a natural and effective way, citrus oil and vinegar emerge as a dynamic duo in the realm of DIY homemade weed killers. 

This powerful combination utilizes the natural herbicidal properties of citrus oil and vinegar to tackle unwanted vegetation. 

Let's explore why these ingredients are so effective and how you can use them to reclaim your garden from pesky weeds.

Natural Herbicidal Properties of Citrus Oil and Vinegar

Citrus Oil

Citrus essential oils, such as orange or lemon oil, contain compounds like d-limonene, which possess herbicidal properties. 

These oils work by breaking down the waxy outer layer of weed leaves, leading to desiccation and ultimately weed control.


Vinegar, especially distilled white vinegar with its high acetic acid content, is known for its weed-killing abilities. 

Acetic acid acts as a natural herbicide by disrupting the cell structure of weeds, leading to their demise. It is particularly effective against young and small weeds.

Method of Combining Ingredients for Weed Control

Follow these steps to create and utilize the citrus oil and vinegar weed killer:

1. Gather the ingredients 

You'll need citrus essential oil (e.g., orange or lemon oil), distilled white vinegar, water, and a spray bottle.

2. Mix the solution

In a spray bottle, combine equal parts citrus oil, distilled white vinegar, and water. Gently shake the bottle to ensure proper blending of the ingredients.

3. Choose the right time

Apply the weed killer on a sunny day when the weeds are actively growing. Avoid applying during rainy or windy conditions, as it may reduce the effectiveness of the solution.

4. Apply to the weeds

Directly spray the citrus oil and vinegar solution onto the foliage of the weeds, ensuring complete coverage. Aim for the leaves and stems of the weeds, as these are the areas most susceptible to herbicidal effects.

5. Reapply if necessary

For more persistent or larger weed infestations, you may need to reapply the solution after a few days to achieve complete eradication.

Citrus Oil and Vinegar Weed Killer

Tips for Ideal Application Techniques

Target young weeds

The citrus oil and vinegar weed killer is most effective against young and small weeds. Therefore, it's best to apply the solution when weeds are in their early stages of growth.

Avoid desirable plants

Take care to avoid spraying the solution on desirable plants, as the acidity of the vinegar may cause damage. Use a shield or careful spraying technique to minimize contact with the surrounding vegetation.

Be patient

Results may take some time to become noticeable. Monitor the treated weeds over a few days to observe the effects of the solution and determine if further applications are necessary.

Safety precautions

When handling the citrus oil and vinegar solution, wear protective gloves and eyewear to prevent skin and eye irritation. Keep children and pets away from the treated areas until the solution dries.

By utilizing the power of citrus oil and vinegar as a DIY homemade weed killer, you can effectively combat unwanted vegetation in your garden. 

This natural and cost-effective solution offers a sustainable approach to weed control, minimizing the need for harsh chemicals while promoting a healthier environment for your plants. Reclaim your outdoor spaces from stubborn weeds with the natural potency of citrus oil and vinegar.

4. Baking Soda Weed Killer

When it comes to combating weeds in your garden or yard, baking soda emerges as a versatile and eco-friendly DIY weed killer. 

This readily available household ingredient disrupts weed growth through its natural properties. Let's explore how baking soda works as a weed controller, the process of preparing and applying the solution, and some additional benefits and precautions to keep in mind.

Mechanism of Baking Soda in Weed Control

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, interferes with weed growth in the following ways:

pH Alteration

Baking soda raises the pH levels in the soil, creating an alkaline environment that inhibits weed growth. This shift in pH interferes with the weed's ability to absorb nutrients, ultimately stunting its growth.


Baking soda acts as a desiccant, drawing out moisture from the weed's leaves and stems. This leads to dehydration and eventual weed control.

Process of Preparing and Applying the Baking Soda Solution

Follow these steps to create and apply a baking soda weed killer:

1. Gather the materials

You'll need baking soda, water, a spray bottle, and a mixing container.

2. Mix the solution

In the mixing container, combine 1 cup of baking soda with 1 gallon of water. Stir well until the baking soda dissolves completely.

3. Choose the right time

Apply the baking soda solution on a dry day when the weeds are actively growing.

4. Apply to the weeds

Use the spray bottle to directly apply the baking soda solution to the leaves and stems of the weeds, ensuring thorough coverage. Take care to avoid spraying desirable plants.

5. Reapply as necessary

For more stubborn weeds, you may need to repeat the application after a few days to achieve complete control.

Baking Soda Weed Killer

Additional Benefits and Precautions

Soil Restoration

Baking soda has the additional benefit of restoring the pH balance of soil that has become too acidic due to factors such as acid rain or excessive fertilizer use.

Pet and Child Safety

Baking soda is generally considered safe for pets and children. However, it's still advisable to keep them away from the treated areas until the solution dries to avoid any potential irritation.

Targeted Application

While baking soda is generally safe for most plants, it's best to avoid spraying the solution on desirable plants as a precautionary measure. Direct the application specifically towards the weeds to prevent any unintended effects.

Persistent Weeds

Baking soda may be more effective against young and small weeds. For more established or persistent weeds, multiple applications may be necessary.

By using baking soda as a DIY homemade weed killer, you can effectively control unwanted vegetation in your garden or yard in the United States. 

This safe and natural alternative minimizes the use of harsh chemicals, promoting a healthier environment for both your plants and the surrounding ecosystem. 

Embrace the power of baking soda and take a step towards maintaining a weed-free landscape the eco-friendly way.

5. Corn Gluten Meal Weed Preventer

When it comes to preventing weeds from taking over your garden or lawn, corn gluten meal emerges as a valuable tool in the arsenal of DIY weed controllers. 

This organic byproduct of corn milling acts as a pre-emergent weed preventer, offering a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical herbicides. 

Let's explore the pre-emergent properties of corn gluten meal, how to effectively use it to prevent weed growth, and the timing and application recommendations for optimal results.

Pre-Emergent Properties of Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal prevents weed growth by inhibiting seed germination. It works by:

Suppressing Root Development

The proteins in corn gluten meal form a barrier that prevents weed seeds from establishing strong root systems, hindering their growth and development.

Nitrogen Content

Corn gluten meal is rich in nitrogen, which can provide essential nutrients to established plants while inhibiting the growth of weed seedlings.

Effective Use of Corn Gluten Meal to Prevent Weed Growth

Follow these steps to effectively utilize corn gluten meal as a weed preventer:

1. Choose the right product

Look for corn gluten meal labeled specifically as a weed preventer or pre-emergent herbicide. This ensures that the product has the necessary concentration and formulation for weed control.

2. Prepare the area

Clear the area of existing weeds and debris before applying corn gluten meal. This allows the product to target weed seeds that have not yet germinated.

3. Apply the corn gluten meal

 Spread a thin and even layer of corn gluten meal over the soil, following the manufacturer's instructions for the appropriate application rate. Use a spreader or your hands to ensure uniform coverage.

4. Water the area

After applying corn gluten meal, lightly water the treated area to activate the proteins and help them settle into the soil.

5. Maintain regular applications

To maintain the effectiveness of corn gluten meal as a weed preventer, reapply it every four to six weeks during the weed germination periods in your region.

Timing and Application Recommendations


For optimal results, apply corn gluten meal in early spring before weed seeds begin to germinate. Additionally, a second application in late summer or early fall can help control weeds that emerge during that time.

Application Rate

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended application rate, as it can vary depending on the brand and concentration of corn gluten meal.

Consider Soil Moisture

Corn gluten meal is most effective when applied to moist soil. If the soil is too dry, consider lightly watering the area before applying the product.

Additional Precautions

Avoid using corn gluten meal in areas where you plan to sow seeds for desired plants, as it can inhibit their germination as well.

By utilizing corn gluten meal as a DIY homemade weed preventer, you can effectively control weed growth in your garden or lawn in the United States. 

This natural and sustainable approach reduces the reliance on chemical herbicides, promoting a healthier and more environmentally friendly outdoor space. Embrace the power of corn gluten meal and safeguard your landscape against weeds the natural way.

6. Soap and Water Weed Killer

When it comes to tackling weeds in your garden or yard, a common household item like soap and water can serve as a powerful DIY weed controller. 

This natural and readily available solution can effectively eliminate unwanted vegetation without the need for harsh chemicals. 

Let's explore how soap and water work as an effective weed control method, provide instructions for preparing and applying the solution, and address any potential impacts on surrounding plants or soil.

Soap and Water as an Effective Weed Control Method

Soap and water act as a contact herbicide, disrupting the protective cuticle on weed leaves and causing them to dry out. The key benefits of using soap and water as a weed killer include:

Easy Availability

Soap and water are readily available in most households, making them a convenient option for DIY weed control.

Non-Toxic Solution

Unlike chemical herbicides, soap and water are safe for the environment, surrounding plants, and pets.

Instructions for Preparing and Applying the Soap and Water Solution

Follow these steps to prepare and apply the soap and water weed killer solution:

1. Gather the materials

You'll need liquid dish soap (preferably a biodegradable and non-toxic variety), water, and a spray bottle.

2. Mix the solution

In the spray bottle, combine 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap with 1 gallon of water. Gently shake the bottle to ensure proper mixing of the ingredients.

3. Choose the right time

Apply the soap and water solution on a sunny day when the weeds are actively growing. Avoid applying during rainy or windy conditions.

4. Apply to the weeds

Directly spray the solution onto the foliage of the weeds, ensuring complete coverage. Focus on the leaves and stems of the weeds, as these areas are most susceptible to the herbicidal effects.

5. Reapply if necessary

For more stubborn or larger weed infestations, you may need to reapply the solution after a few days to achieve complete control.

Potential Impacts on Surrounding Plants or Soil

Minimal Impact on Soil

Soap and water weed killers have minimal impact on soil health. However, it's advisable to avoid excessive use or repeated applications, as it may affect beneficial soil microorganisms.

Limited Impact on Surrounding Plants

While soap and water solutions are generally safe for most plants, they can cause some degree of leaf burn or damage if not used carefully. Take precautions to avoid spraying desirable plants and minimize contact with their foliage.

Residual Effects

Soap and water solutions break down quickly and do not leave long-lasting residues in the soil, making them a suitable choice for organic gardening practices.

By harnessing the power of soap and water as a DIY homemade weed controller, you can effectively combat unwanted vegetation in your garden or yard. 

This natural and non-toxic approach offers a sustainable solution for weed control, promoting a healthier and more eco-friendly outdoor environment. Say goodbye to pesky weeds with the simplicity and effectiveness of soap and water.


Utilizing DIY homemade weed controllers can be a game-changer when it comes to effectively managing weed infestations in gardens and yards. 

Whether it's vinegar and dish soap, salt and boiling water, citrus oil and vinegar, baking soda, corn gluten meal, or soap and water, these natural alternatives offer safe and environmentally friendly options for weed control.

By understanding the weed-killing properties of each solution and following the recommended application techniques, you can take a proactive approach to maintaining a weed-free landscape. 

These homemade weed killers not only reduce the reliance on harsh chemicals but also contribute to a healthier environment for both plants and the surrounding ecosystem.

So, say goodbye to pesky weeds and embrace the power of DIY homemade weed controllers. Incorporate these methods into your gardening routine and enjoy the benefits of a weed-free outdoor space. Start your journey towards a healthier and more sustainable approach to weed control today.

For effective and eco-friendly weed control solutions, remember to consider the power of the above-mentioned DIY homemade weed killers.

Your garden will thank you, and you'll be one step closer to maintaining a beautiful and thriving outdoor environment.


Are homemade weed killers as effective as commercial herbicides?

Homemade weed killers can be effective for controlling weeds, especially when used correctly. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the type of weed, its growth stage, and the specific homemade solution used. 

Commercial herbicides may offer more targeted and potent formulas, but homemade options provide a natural and eco-friendly alternative.

Are homemade weed killers safe for pets and children?

Homemade weed killers, such as vinegar and dish soap or soap and water solutions, are generally considered safe for pets and children once they dry on the plant or soil. 

However, it's always advisable to keep pets and children away from treated areas until the solution has fully dried to avoid any potential irritation.

Can I use homemade weed killers in vegetable gardens?

Some homemade weed killers, like soap and water or vinegar-based solutions, can be used in vegetable gardens. 

However, it's crucial to avoid spraying the solution directly on the desired plants to prevent any potential damage. 

Direct the application specifically toward the weeds and avoid contact with edible parts of the vegetables.

Do homemade weed killers harm the environment?

Homemade weed killers, particularly those made from natural ingredients, are generally considered safer for the environment than chemical herbicides. 

However, it's important to use them responsibly and avoid excessive use or runoff into water sources to minimize any potential impact on the environment.

How often should I apply homemade weed killers?

The frequency of application depends on various factors, such as the weed type, its growth stage, and the effectiveness of the homemade weed killer. 

In general, you may need to reapply the solution every few days or weeks for persistent or fast-growing weeds. Follow the specific instructions provided for each homemade weed killer recipe.

Can homemade weed killers be used in all seasons?

Homemade weed killers can be used in most seasons, but the effectiveness may vary. Spring and early summer are typically the best times to tackle weed growth as they emerge. 

However, you can still use homemade solutions in other seasons as long as the weeds are actively growing.

Will homemade weed killers kill weeds permanently?

Homemade weed killers can provide temporary control by targeting existing weeds and inhibiting their growth. 

However, they may not completely eradicate the weed's root system, allowing some regrowth over time. Regular and persistent application can help prevent weed resurgence.

Can I combine different homemade weed killer recipes for better results?

While it's possible to experiment with combinations, it's generally recommended to use one recipe at a time. 

This allows you to monitor the effectiveness and potential side effects of each solution. If needed, you can switch to another recipe or modify the concentration for better results.

Can homemade weed killers be used on all types of weeds?

Homemade weed killers can be effective against a wide range of weed types, including broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds. 

However, certain stubborn or deep-rooted weeds may require additional control methods or professional assistance.

Are homemade weed killers legal to use in the United States?

Homemade weed killers made from household ingredients are generally legal to use in the United States for personal use. 

However, it's always a good idea to check local regulations or restrictions regarding the use of herbicides, even if they are homemade.

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