How to Get Rid of Dollar Spot Disease from Your Garden - No Plant No Life

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

How to Get Rid of Dollar Spot Disease from Your Garden

Dollar spot disease is a common and persistent fungal infection that primarily affects lawns but can also damage garden plants. 

It has its appearance like a spider web, named  for the silver-dollar-sized spots it creates on grass, this disease can significantly affect the aesthetic and health of your garden. 

Here's an in-depth guide to identifying, managing, and eliminating dollar spot disease.

What Is Dollar Spot Disease?

Dollar spot is caused by the fungal pathogen Clarireedia spp. (formerly Sclerotinia homoeocarpa). This fungus thrives in warm, humid conditions and primarily targets turfgrass, though it can spread to ornamental plants under certain circumstances.

Signs and Symptoms

1. Spot Formation: Small, circular, bleached patches about 1-2 inches in diameter. These spots can merge into larger areas if untreated.

2. Leaf Blades: Grass blades develop straw-colored lesions with reddish-brown borders.

3. Humidity-Triggered Growth: A fine, web-like fungal mycelium appears during the morning, especially when dew is present.

4. Thinning Lawn: Over time, the grass becomes patchy and thin.

What Causes Dollar Spot Disease?

1. Low Nitrogen Levels: Poorly nourished grass is more susceptible.

2. Prolonged Leaf Wetness: Dew, irrigation, or rain that keeps grass wet for hours.

3. Warm Days and Cool Nights: Ideal temperatures are between 60-85°F (15-29°C).

4. Poor Air Circulation: Dense planting or overgrowth that traps moisture.

Step-by-Step Process to Eliminate Dollar Spot Disease

1. Identify and Diagnose

🔹 Inspect Your Lawn: Look for circular patches or lesions on leaves.

🔹 Confirm Presence of Mycelium: Check for white, cobweb-like fungal growth in the early morning.

2. Improve Lawn Care Practices

Proper lawn care can prevent and control dollar spot disease.

🔹 Mow Regularly: Keep your grass at the recommended height. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the blade length in a single mowing session.

🔹 Fertilize Properly: Apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to strengthen grass and reduce fungal susceptibility. Use slow-release fertilizers to ensure consistent growth.

🔹 Water Effectively: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage strong roots. Always water in the early morning to allow grass to dry by evening.

🔹 Aerate the Lawn: Reduce soil compaction and improve air circulation by aerating your lawn annually.

3. Remove Infected Grass

🔹 Use a rake to remove visibly affected grass and dispose of it away from the garden to prevent fungal spread.

4. Apply Fungicides

Fungicides can be an effective tool to manage severe cases of dollar spot disease.

🔹 Choose the Right Product: Look for fungicides containing active ingredients like propiconazole, thiophanate-methyl, or chlorothalonil.

🔹 Application Guidelines:

🔻Follow label instructions carefully.

🔻Apply in the early morning or evening when wind speeds are low.

🔻 Reapply as needed, typically every 7-14 days, depending on the product.

5. Adjust Soil Nutrients

Test your soil's nutrient levels and pH. Correct imbalances by:

🔹 Adding lime to increase pH.

🔹 Using sulfur-based amendments to reduce pH.

🔹Incorporating compost for balanced organic matter.

6. Increase Air Circulation

🔹 Trim nearby bushes or trees to improve airflow.

🔹 Space plants appropriately to reduce humidity around the grass and foliage.

7. Monitor and Maintain

🔹 Regularly inspect your lawn for new signs of disease.

🔹 Maintain consistent lawn care practices to avoid recurrence.

Preventing Dollar Spot Disease

1. Choose Resistant Grass Varieties: Opt for species less prone to fungal infections, such as Kentucky bluegrass or fescues.

2. Proper Irrigation: Avoid excessive watering and ensure your sprinkler system does not leave puddles.

3. Clean Equipment: Disinfect mowers and gardening tools to prevent fungal spread.

4. Seasonal Care: Adjust care routines based on seasonal conditions. For example, reduce watering during cooler months.

Effective Products for Dollar Spot Disease

1. BioAdvanced Fungus Control for Lawns

🔹 Active Ingredient: Propiconazole hi

🔹 Provides broad-spectrum control and prevents future outbreaks.

🔹 Active Ingredient: Azoxystrobin

🔹 Quick results and effective against multiple turf diseases.

3. Bonide Infuse Systemic Disease Control

🔹 Ideal for residential lawns and gardens.

Nitrogen-Rich Fertilizers

🔹 Slow-release formula that supports long-term growth and resistance.

2. Garden Tools

Easy-to-use tool for improving air circulation in soil.

Effective for removing infected grass.

Common Myths About Dollar Spot Disease

1. “Fungicides Alone Can Cure It”

While fungicides are effective, they must be combined with proper lawn care to fully eliminate the disease

2. “Frequent Watering Will Wash It Away”

Overwatering worsens the problem by promoting fungal growth.

3. “It Will Go Away on Its Own”

Dollar spot disease persists and spreads if untreated, causing more significant damage.

When to Seek Professional Help

If the disease spreads rapidly despite treatment or if you're unsure of the proper steps, consult a lawn care professional or an extension service for advanced guidance.


Dollar spot disease can be a stubborn foe, but with the right combination of cultural practices, effective fungicides, and vigilant monitoring, you can reclaim your garden. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide and using high-quality tools and products, you'll ensure a healthy, thriving lawn and garden for years to come.

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